UC Directing in the Field
Fieldwork in regional Portugal
Course supervisors: Margarida Cardoso and Tiago Hespanha
This course aims at complementing students’ theoretical and practical knowledge in documentary film directing, by means of a film exercise departing from an assigned topic and focusing in subjects to be encountered within the territory of a small area in regional Portugal, to which students will be brought in.
This immersive fieldwork experience on location will take place in a period of about two weeks, in which students team up in groups to carry out the tasks of research, develop and produce short length collaborative documentaries under the guidance of their instructors.
Building in previously acquired knowledge on artistic, technical and methodological aspects that intervene in the making of the documentary film, this learning experience aims at students improve skills to cooperate with team partners in creating collective film projects under the constrained framework of intensive film production in unfamiliar environments.