Two DN films selected to Visions du Réel, Switzerland
Sachin’s short documentary In Flanders Fields will have its World Premiere in the Opening Scenes competition, and Daryna Mamaisur’s graduation film Smoke of the Fire will have its Swiss Premiere in the Doc Alliance Selection at Visions du Réel International Documentary Film Festival held from 12 to 21 of April in Nyon, Switzerland.
Three more films directed by DocNomads alumni will be also premiering at Visions du Réel 2024.
We Are Inside by Farah Kassem (Lebanon) was selected for the International Feature Film Competition, Moon Without a House by Atanur Nabiyeva (Azerbaijan) will be presented in the Opening Scenes competition, whereas Koka by Aliaksandr Tsymbaliuk (Belarus) will be presented in the Medium Length and Short Film Competition.
ਫਲੈਂਡਰਸ ਦੀ ਜ਼ਮੀਂ ਵਿੱਚ
By Sachin (India) • 16' • 2024
While visiting Ypres, Sachin learns that 1.4 million Indians were conscripted by the British to fight on the Flanders Fields during the First World War. Using audio recordings, letters, songs and archives, he brings his anonymous ancestors back to life, like ghosts inlaid in an immovable winter landscape.
in Visions du Réel catalogue.
Trailer here.
By Darina Mamaisur (Ukraine) • 21' • 2023
By filming her Portuguese lessons, Ukrainian filmmaker Daryna Mamaisur (I Stumble Every Time I Hear From Kyiv, VdR 2023) creates a touching puzzle that is part film diary, part essay. Through associations of images and words, she continues to poetically articulate the disaster affecting her life, like an unbreakable cinematographic link between the here of exile and the elsewhere of war.
in Visions du Réel catalogue.
Trailer here.