Rob Rombout

Rob Rombout is a founding member of DocNomads program, and was the course director at LUCA Brussels from 2012 to 2018. He is an independent documentary filmmaker, and also an experienced teacher and lecturer.

His films were shown on international television channels and have been awarded in several festivals such as:

Audience Award in Indie Lisboa, Portugal (2013); Silver Remi Award Houston Festival, USA (2006); Best Foreign Film in Route 66 Film Festival Springfield, USA (2005); Best Documentary in Festival International du Cinéma Francophone, Canada (2001); Special award in Film Festival “Man and Sea” Vladivostok, Russia (2000); Special Award “Flahertiana” in Perm Festival, Russia (2000); Grand Prix in Festival de Montbéliard, France (1988); Premier Prix, Festival Vidéo PSY à Lorquin, France (1987).

Recently he co-directed a 6 hours long road-movie through the United States (“Amsterdam Stories USA”, 2012) and completed a feature portrait on the Dutch writer Robert van Gulik (2017).

He is also a regular lecturer, teacher and jury member at INSAS Brussels; Université Paris 8; Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg; Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Lisboa; Beijing Film Academy, China; USP - Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; and Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema, Vietnam.

He gave workshops and lectures at the American University of Technology (AUT) in Beirut; Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge; University of Syracuse; Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), Moscow; Vidéographe Montréal Canada; and at the Human Rights festival in Sucre (Bolivia).

Rob Rombout was vice-president of the Belgian Committee of the French Author Organization SCAM, and is a board member of the AUT in Beirut. 


The call for applications to DocNomads program is suspended until further notice.

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DOC NOMADS Erasmus Mundus Masters Course is aimed to students from all over the world with a BA degree in Film Studies, in Arts or in Media Communication studies.

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The DOC NOMADS EMMC has three full partners and enjoys the backing of 19 European and non-European associated members.

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