Rob Rombout
Rob Rombout
Documentary Skils
Narration Storytelling
Lecturer (2013-2019)
Documentary Film Directing
Instructor and Mentor in SBI Film Exercise (2013-2019)
Events and Visits
Course Supervisor (2013-2019)
Graduation Semester MDP
Course Supervisor (2013-2019)
Rob Rombout is an independent documentary filmmaker, teacher and lecturer.
His films were shown on international television channels and have been awarded in several festivals such as:
Audience Award in Indie Lisboa, Portugal 2013; Silver Remi Award Houston Festival, USA 2006; Best Foreign Film in Route 66 Film Festival Springfield, USA 2005; Best Documentary in Festival International du Cinéma Francophone, Canada 2001; Special award in Film Festival “Man and Sea” Vladivostok, Russia 2000; Special Award “Flahertiana” in Perm Festival, Russia 2000; Grand Prix in Festival de Montbéliard, France 1988; Premier Prix, Festival Vidéo PSY à Lorquin, France 1987.
Recently he co-directed a 6 hours long road-movie through the United States (“Amsterdam Stories USA”, 2012) and he’s currently completing a portrait of the Dutch writer Robert van Gulik.
He is also a regular lecturer, teacher and jury member at INSAS Brussels; Université Paris 8; Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg; Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Lisbon; Beijing Film Academy, China; USP - Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; and Hanoi Academy of Theatre and Cinema, Vietnam.
He gave workshops and lectures at the American University of Technology (AUT) in Beirut; Louisiana State University (LSU), Baton Rouge; University of Syracuse; Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), Moscow; Vidéographe Montréal Canada; and at the Human Rights festival in Sucre (Bolivia).
Rob Rombout was vice-president of the Belgian Committee of the French Author Organization SCAM, and is a board member of the AUT in Beirut.
Rob Rombout is a founding member of DocNomads program, and as the course director (2012-19) of DocNomads-Brussels he was involved in the development of its curriculum, and was a leading instructor of its 3rd and 4th semesters.