ERASMUS+ Scholarships

Erasmus Plus scholarships are awarded on the basis of excellence to eligible candidates.

The planned number of scholarships available for the 13th edition is twenty (20).

A student scholarship is awarded exclusively for a full-time enrolment in one of the Master courses and will cover the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme.

Candidates eligible for scholarships are students who have obtained a primary higher-education degree or can demonstrate a recognised equivalent according to national legislation and practices of the degree awarding country. While this condition must necessarily be fulfilled at the time of enrolment, the Consortium accepts scholarship applications from students in the last year of their first higher education degree.

DocNomads Consortium provides two categories of student scholarships based on EACEA regulations: Programme country and Partner country scholarships.

Programme countries: Member States of the European Union, and EEA-EFTA States (Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein), UK, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Serbia.

Partner countries: Countries OTHER than the countries listed in the above Programme countries category.

Special cases

Students with a double nationality (of a Partner and of a Programme Country) must specify the nationality under which they submit their scholarship application.

"12-month rule": Candidates from Partner countries who have been residents in one of the Programme countries, or have carried out in any of these countries their main activity (studies, training or work) for more than a total of 12 months during the previous 5 years calculated backwards from the deadline of the application to DocNomads will be provided with Programme Countries category scholarships based on EACEA rules.


A minimum of 75% of EMJMD scholarships will be earmarked for candidates from Partner Countries. Erasmus+ EMJMD student scholarships can be offered to students from any region of the world. The Consortium takes geographical balance into account – i.e. no more than 3 candidates from the same country (or with the same nationality) should be awarded an EMJMD scholarship during the same intake.


Detailed information about the scholarships

 Scholarship holders from Erasmus+
Programme countries
Scholarship holders from Erasmus+
Partner countries
Tuition fees up to € 4500 per year per scholarship holder from a Programme Country up to € 9000 per year per scholarship holder from a Partner Country
For each student, actual tuition fee must be covered by the EACEA support and cannot be charged to the scholarship holder, i.e. the consortium grants the EMMC scholarship holder a fee waiver.
Contribution to the travel costs

Programme Countries:

€ 1000 per year per scholarship holder resident of a Programme Country

Partner Countries:

€ 2000 per year per scholarship holder resident in a Partner Country whose location is less than 4000 km away from the HEI coordinating the JMD (Budapest, Hungary)

€ 3000 per year per scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country whose location is 4000 km or more away from the HEI coordinating the JMD (Budapest, Hungary)

The contribution to the travel costs takes into account the residence of the scholarship holder. The place of residence should be verified on the basis of the provision of:

- A residence certificate issued in accordance with the candidate's municipality normal registration rules; OR

- A certificate from the candidate's place of work, study or training issued by the employer or institution in question.

Both documents must have been issued within 12 months before the submission deadline of applying for the DocNomads EMJMD (9th January 2024).

Contribution to installation costs

€ 1000 per scholarship holder resident of a Partner Country

A contribution to installation costs is offered only to students residing in a Partner Country.

Contribution to subsistence costs

€ 1000 per month for the entire duration of the JMD study programme (24 months maximum)

Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given:

- to scholarship holders for periods of the EMJMD (study / research / placement / thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence;

- to scholarship holders from a Partner Country for the EMMC periods exceeding three months (indicatively the equivalent of 15 ECTS credits) spent in any Partner Country.

Avoiding parallel funding

Students who have already obtained an EMJMD scholarship or an Erasmus Mundus Master Course / Joint Doctorate scholarship are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship under the EMJMD action.

Erasmus+ scholarship holders cannot benefit from another EU funded scholarship scheme to follow the same EMJMD course. This holds for the entire period of the course.

EMJMD student scholarships are awarded for participation in the complete EMJMD programme. Scholarship holders cannot transfer university credits from courses taken prior to their enrolment in their EMJMD for the purpose of reducing their mandatory activities in the joint programme. Furthermore, EMJMD scholarship holders cannot at the same time be beneficiaries of a grant for student or staff mobility in the framework of other higher education programmes funded by the EU budget.

The Consortium will check the database of EACEA - as a final step before deciding on the award of Erasmus Mundus scholarships – to see if the selected students have benefitted an EMJMD scholarship or an Erasmus Mundus Master Course / Joint Doctorate scholarship OR another EU funded scholarship scheme to follow the same course OR a grant for student or staff mobility in the framework of other higher education programmes funded by the EU budget.

Students with special needs

EACEA and DocNomads Consortium have a pro-active attitude towards potential grantees with special needs.

In the event of one or more students requiring additional support resulting from special needs they are requested to provide a specific medical certificate from a national health service (or a doctor) and an estimation of the additional costs (for the duration of the DocNomads Master) issued by a national medical centre. Due to the sensitive nature of health data, this information will be processed only to the extent that it is adequate, relevant, and does not exceed the purposes for which it is collected.


The call for applications to DocNomads program is suspended until further notice.

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DOC NOMADS Erasmus Mundus Masters Course is aimed to students from all over the world with a BA degree in Film Studies, in Arts or in Media Communication studies.

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The DOC NOMADS EMMC has three full partners and enjoys the backing of 19 European and non-European associated members.

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